What Type Of Shoes Do Monks Wear?

Depending on the country and territory, monks may be allowed to wear shoes and they might be restricted to wear footwear. According to the Buddhist code, a monk is allowed to wear footwear that does not cover his toe and heels. Do Monks Really Wear Shoes In the US, monks wear street clothes with shoes … Read more

Can You Wear Basketball Shoes For Badminton?

No! You should not make use of basketball shoes for badminton. What will happen in the long run is that you will end up causing injuries for yourself. Basketball shoes do not have the necessary features that enable you to use them for badminton. Badminton shoes usually do not have a high ankle for you … Read more

Shoes Similar To Feiyue: 10 Best Feiyue Alternatives

For decades, the Feiyue brand has been known for how comfortable it makes people’s feet feel. This brand of shoes has lots of amazing footwear that are lightweight, durable, and comfortable. Initially, this shoe was popular among martial artists and other athletes before it gained widespread popularity some few years ago. It is one of … Read more