Why are Converse so uncomfortable at first?

Want to get a new converse and wonder if they would get so uncomfortable for you and affect you in any way! Well, the truth is that Converse is slightly uncomfortable at first use when they are purchased. They could be hard on your heels causing discomfort. But why? Why is converse so uncomfortable at … Read more

Are Skateboard Shoes Good For Mountain Biking

It is okay to not be overly fussed about buying specific mountain biking shoes. You might have heard somewhere that skate shoes can make a very good alternative. How true is this? And what brand, type, or model is recommended? That’s what this post is all about. The truth is, Skateboard shoes are not as good … Read more

Can You Use Converse As Running Shoes?

Converse shoes are made more for walking/casual use than athletic use. There are many drawbacks to using Converse as running shoes, including Chuck Taylors. You can run in Converse, but it is not advised on a professional level because there are a lot of disadvantages associated with using Converse as running shoes. Unlike ideal running … Read more