12 Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots (in 2023)

The Alden brand is one of the oldest and most popular shoe brands in the world. Established as far back as the 20th century, the brand has relentlessly continued to manufacture high-quality footwear for men. Alden shoes are regarded to be one of the finest shoes in the world.

One of the best products from this brand is the Indy Boots. These shoe models from Alden rose to prominence when they were featured in Indiana Jones films. Since then, the Alden Indy Boots have become men’s classic footwear.

Shoe trees are items or devices that are shaped like a foot and are inserted inside a shoe to help the shoe reduce moisture and also hold its shape when it is not being worn.

For users of the Alden Indy boots, it is important that you pay attention to the type of shoe tree you insert into your boot because many shoe trees end up doing more harm than good to your boots.

Here are the twelve (12) best shoe trees that I recommend you to use for your Alden Indy Boots.

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

Shoe Tree Features
Stratton Cedar Shoe Tree Adjustable Design
Allen Edmonds Cedar Shoe Tree 100% Cedar Wood
Houndsbay Cedar Shoe Tree 100% Protection
B&E Life Plastic Shoe Stretcher High Quality
Woodlore Adjustable Shoe Trees Absorbs moisture effectively
Moneysworth & Best Boot Shapers Made with durable plastic
Cedar Elements Solid Pine Shoe Trees Breathable toe grooves
KevenAnna Premium Professional 2-way Wooden Shoe Tree 12 pressure point relief holes
Footfitter Western Cedar Boot Tree Very sturdy and durable
Household Essentials Cedarfresh Boot shaper Marked with Left and Right for easy usage
Cedar Space Cedar Shoe Trees Scalable and Portable Heel
Tenrry Cedar Shoe Tree Smooth Surface

Stratton Boss Cedar Boot Tree

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

This shoe tree could well go down as the shoe tree ever made because of its top-notch quality and the fact that it was made with a hundred percent Red Cedar.

The high quality of this shoe tree ensures that it provides the best kind of shoe care you can get anywhere. Also, because it is made with 100% natural red cedar, this shoe tree protects your Indy boots and its sole from moisture damage.

Boots generally, including the Indy Boots, tend to make the foot really sweaty and this sweat then makes the Boot smell.

This shoe tree from Stratton is, however, built to provide a long-lasting cedar aroma that prevents odors from developing and fills your shoe with a crisp and refreshing scent.

Many shoe trees have destroyed the shoes or boots they were inserted in but this shoe tree is an exception. This shoe tree is best for your Indy boots because it is an excellent boot shaper.

This means that, if you use it regularly it would help to maintain and preserve the original shape, form, length, and width of your Indy boots. Beyond that, the Stratton Boss Cedar Boot tree also prevents your Indy boots from getting wrinkled.

Allen Edmonds Cedar Shoe Tree

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

For shoes as classy as the Alden Indy Boots, it is important that every accessory you use with it is of good quality.

If you are looking for a shoe tree that matches the classy style of your Indy Boots then this shoe tree from Allen Edmonds is the one to go for!

This shoe tree is a combination cedar tree that is fitted with an adjustable split-toe design that helps to absorb moisture and most importantly, retain the shape of your Indy Boot.

I love using and recommending this shoe tree because of how it is excellent at repelling moisture and absorbing any kind of odor – no matter how bad.

Having an Indy Bootstrapped to your feet all day can lead to you having sweaty feet which will then cause your boots to start smelling. But you do not have to worry about that once you use this shoe tree.

The Allen Edmonds shoe tree is highly recommended by many shoe manufacturers so you can rest assured that it will keep your Alden Indy Boots smooth and its adjustable split-toe design will also help to retain the shape and form of your boot.

Houndsbay Cedar Shoe Tree

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

Finding the right shoe tree for your shoes can be a simple but crucial task because as there are many shoe trees available to be bought, only a few are actually good for you. One of those few good ones is the Houndsbay Cedar shoe tree.

This is one of my best and most recommended shoe trees for Indy boots because it possesses all the necessary features your boot needs.

This shoe tree is made up of 75% premium red cedar heartwood. The Cedar heartwood used to make this shoe tree is the best wood in absorbing moisture and dissipating odors.

This wood makes sure that every time you insert this shoe tree into your Indy boot, the boot will be preserved and will keep smelling fresh.

Another stand-out feature of this shoe tree is its adjustable split-toe design. The way this shoe tree is designed, it easily adjusts to the width of your boots so the material remains smooth and without any wrinkle.

Lastly, this shoe tree is fitted with a wide hook heel that is there to maintain the shape, form, and length of your Indy Boots.

B&E Life Plastic Shoe Stretcher

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

I am sure that from the first three (3) recommendations, you were probably wondering if only shoe trees that were made with cedarwood were best for your Indy Boots.

Well, as good as the cedar wood is in repelling moisture and absorbing odors, it does not mean that it is the sole determinant of a great shoe tree.

For all I know, there are over a million awesome shoe trees that were not made from cedar wood and this one is one of them.

This shoe tree is made from high-quality plastic and it has a durable framework that lets you enjoy them for a long time.

I recommend this product for your Alden Indy Boots because the shoe tree has a boot shaper feature that was specifically designed to keep your boot – no matter the material used to make it – in perfect shape when it is not in use.

This shoe tree is safe, effective and you can trust it to protect and preserve your boot.

Regularly using this shoe tree means you are giving your Indy boot optimum care and helping it retain its original shape and form.

Woodlore Adjustable Shoe trees

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

A lot of people do not realise how important shoe trees are, what they do not know is that their shoes can get spoilt simply because they were not worn.

Shoe trees are there to help your shoes last longer and stay in good shape even if they are not worn. One of the shoe trees that ensure your shoes get the best care is the Woodlore Adjustable Shoe tree.

This shoe tree is made with 100% cedar wood that is responsible for acting as a natural deodorizer, and as well as a moisture repellent.

The cedarwood plays a huge role in absorbing any moisture that may be inside your Indy boot thereby keeping your boot fresh and dry.

Along with taking away all moisture, the cedar wood also goes on to eradicate all odors from your boot and replacing it with a fresh scent.

This shoe tree is perfect to be used in your Alden Indy boots because it is one of the few shoe trees that guarantees that your boot will not crease or crack.

Moneysworth and Best Boot Shapers

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

I can not think of a better shoe tree for your Alden Indy Boot than this Boot Shaper from Moneysworth and Best. From its design, you can already see why it is probably the best shoe tree your boot needs.

It is not made of cedar wood like most of the recommendations above, rather, it is made of durable plastic.

The design of this shoe tree signifies the end to all kinds of creases on your Indy boot because it has a height that will keep all the parts of your boot standing.

This shoe tree does both preventive and corrective functions in that, it can keep your boot in an upright position and ensure that it does not bend or fold to cause a crease.

This shoe tree could also be corrective in that, even when you have worn your boot and it seems to have lost it shape, just insert this shoe tree and your boot will regain its shape and form.

Despite it not being a shoe tree made from cedar wood, this shoe tree still helps in the drying of moisture by allowing enough circulation of air.

Cedar Elements Solid Pine Shoe trees

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

A shoe tree can literally be made from anything, and a shoe tree does not have to be made from Cedarwood before it can be effective. This shoe tree from Cedar elements is a testament to this statement.

This shoe tree was creatively crafted out of solid pine wood and it is fitted with breathable toe grooves that help to keep moisture out of your Indy boots.

Although, the pinewood scent is not as strong as that of the cedarwood, I can confirm to you that it is just as effective and can as well keep your Indy boot smelling fresh all day.

The breathable grooves feature does not only stop moisture from settling in your boots, they are also there to ensure that your boot has no crease, especially in the front area.

The steel attached to this shoe tree is very flexible and does an excellent job at keeping your Indy boots in the right shape for a long time.

A lot of people find cedar wood shoe trees to be expensive and thus, are looking for an alternative that is just as good. Well, here it is. Affordable and very effective!

KevenAnna Premium Professional 2-way Wooden Shoe Trees

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

This two-in-one product does not only benefit your Indy boots but also benefits your pocket. Do you know that with this product, you get a shoe tree and a shoe stretcher, all for the price of one! Who does not like a great gift?

This product is fitted with a reliable shoe tree that treats your Indy boots right. It is an awesome product that helps to preserve the shape and form of your boot. A big advantage of this product is also that it can help to stretch your boot.

So, if you have a tight Alden Indy boot or you just want your boot to be a bit bigger then this shoe tree and stretcher is the perfect product to use. It is fitted with bunion plugs that safely and gently stretch your Indy boots till they reach the optimal comfort you desire.

This shoe tree is made of pinewood and, just like the ones made with cedarwood, it also does a great job at keeping moisture out of your boots and giving your boots a sweet, fresh pine scent.

Footfitter Western Cedar Boot Tree

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

Caring for your Indy boots starts from getting the best shoe tree available. The Indy boot is made with high-quality materials and thus, deserves a shoe tree of great quality too. This shoe tree from the Footfitter brand is one such shoe tree with great quality.

Cedarwood was used to make this shoe tree and the scent of this wood helps to make your Indy boots smell fresh.

The wood is also there to ensure that your boot is not damaged by moisture and constant use. This ultimately means that, even if you wear your Indy boots every day and sweat in them or they are exposed to moisture, this shoe tree protects your boot from damage.

This shoe tree was built to last and be used for a long time. This means that you get to enjoy your Indy boots for a long time too.

My regular usage of this shoe tree has helped me to maintain the original shape and form of my Indy boot. With this shoe tree, there would be no difference in the looks of your boot even if you have been wearing them for 10 years.

Household Essentials Cedarfresh Boot Shaper

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

This shoe tree is unlike any I have seen or used before and I instantly fell in love with it when I first had it. The shoe tree can be trimmed to any length you require.

So, if your boot is knee-length or ankle-length, do not worry because you can just use scissors to trim it to wherever you want it to be.

Why I recommend this shoe tree for your Indy boots is because of how it fills up your boot. This boot shaper will adjust to the shape and size of your Indy boot so that every inch of your boot receives enough attention.

The advantage of this is that it helps to prevent your boot from cracking or creasing.

This shoe tree is fitted with a handy loop that can be used as a hanger to hang your Indy boot. Hanging your boots go a long way in preserving them for longer and with the built-in feature in this shoe tree, your boots can stay in their best possible shape for a long time.

Using this shoe tree is an investment because it helps you save money on getting new shoes all the time.

Cedar Space Cedar Shoe Trees

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

For more than fifteen (15) years, the Cedar space brand has been manufacturing high-quality cedar products and shoe trees. They constantly improve on their products and this shoe tree is a testament to that fact.

What I see as the strongest point of this shoe tree is that it was made with 100% cedarwood. This fact alone means that it is one of the best shoe trees you can get around.

This shoe tree does an excellent job of maintaining the shape of your Indy boots, preventing moisture from getting and also keeping it smelling fresh.

Another impressive feature of this shoe tree is the retractable spring design fitted at the head of the shoe tree.

This is done so that the shoe tree can fill up the head of your Indy boot in order to maintain its shape. With this feature, the head of your Indy boot will never lose its shape or form.

Tenrry Cedar Shoe Tree

Best Shoe Trees for Alden Indy Boots

I cannot conclude this list without mentioning the Tenrry Cedar Shoe tree.

This is one of the shoe trees I use the most, and that is because of the sweet fragrance of the cedar. This shoe tree is made of 100% red cedar wood so it is excellent at absorbing moisture and sweat that settle in your boot.

The fragrance of this shoe tree is particularly appealing so your Indy boot will be completely free from any odor and always smell fresh.

The shoe tree is fitted with double spring tubes in the middle and an adjustable toe. Both features are there to help the shoe tree fit perfectly in your Indy boots and also preserve the shape and form of the boot.

With this shoe tree, you do not have to deal with any crease, crack or wrinkle on your Indy boot.

There you have it! With any of the shoe trees mentioned above, you can rest assured that your Alden Indy boots will stay fresh for longer.


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