Dr Martens vs Converse: Comparison

When you are presented with the choice of buying either Dr. Martens or Converse, how do you know which one to choose? Your choice is dependent on your preference. What do you look out for when going about purchasing shoes?

For Dr. Martens, the first thing you’ll notice about it is the sturdy and hard material and then the unique styling. On the other hand, Converse shoes look soft and mild. 

Dr Martens vs Converse

Also, Dr. Martens looks heavy and also looks like a shoe suited for wild regions. Dr. Martens shoes are actually heavy just as they look. Most of Dr. Martens shoes look stylish and expensive.

Converse shoes look like shoes you can use to anywhere for any occasion. Converse is suited for the summer season, unlike Dr. Martens that is hot and uncomfortable when used in summer. Converse is quite affordable.

In all, Dr. Martens has a more lasting build than Converse. Also, Converse is not suited for a wet environment as it is not water resistant.

In this article, we will properly compare Dr. Martens and Converse in pricing, build, sole, sizing, style, leather, stitching, pros and cons, and an overall verdict on which is better.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Let’s get to the comparison

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Stitching

From the looks, Dr. Martens has secure stitching. Dr. Martens shoes are constructed with the Sidewall Stitch Construction.

As a result of this, Dr. Martens shoes are built to not easily lose and the stitching stays longer. Dr. Martens brand has a name for building lasting shoes and that starts from the stitching.

Also, the stitches are neatly done to form stylish patterns and that adds to the beauty of Dr. Martens shoes.

On the other hand, Converse shoes are stitched with Converse construction. While this may contribute to the easily loosening of Converse shoes, it is not the main factor.

Converse stitches are also done neatly to form stylish patterns which make the shoes fashionable.

When it comes to stitching, Dr. Martens offers stronger stitching than Converse. Because of the type of material used for Dr. Martens, it is quite understandable that they follow up the binding with strong stitches.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Leather

This is the next thing to consider between Dr. Martens and Converse. The leather used for Dr. Martens is stiff.

This is the most obvious thing you will notice about Dr. Martens. Dr. Martens uses fabrics like full-grain leather and sometimes, textile fabric.

Everything points to the fact that Dr. Martens lasted long, including the leather and fabric used in making the shoes.

Converse shoes, on the other hand, are made with cotton fabric mostly. And the general view of Converse leather material is that its shoes are made soft unlike Dr. Martens is stiff.

Comparing the leather fabric of Dr. Martens to that of Converse sums up the fact that Dr. Martens fabric and leather is better as it guarantees a long-lasting shoe.

What you should know is that the leather used for Converse enhances the fashionable look of the shoes.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Price

Another thing we should consider is the pricing. Which is better? After considering all the features and qualities of these shoes, you would want to know which one aligns with your budget. Dr. Martens are quite expensive.

You can find Dr. Martens in the price range of $50 to $200 or more depending on the quality of the shoe you choose. You should know that the higher the price, the better the quality and build.

Converse is not really different in pricing compared to Dr. Martens. You can find Converse shoes in the price range of $60 to $190 depending on the one you choose.

Converse shoes are mostly within $80 to $100. Most styles you will find fall within that price range. So, there’s no big difference there.

But, most of the best-built Dr. Martens shoes you might like are expensive and the price is over $100.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Build Quality

Now here’s the juicy part. A customer once said he prefers to wear shoes that make him look masculine as he is a man. This is the type of shoes Dr. Martens offers.

They are available for men and women. And Dr. Martens ensures that the shoes for men look masculine and that for women look feminine with a little splash of rigidity.

Dr. Martens shoes are stiff and because of that, they are hard to break in. But, with time, they get easy. Dr. Martens shoes are built to last and to survive any weather.

Converse are built to look soft and they are actually soft compared to Dr. Martens. Converse shoes are built for comfort in summer, unlike Dr. Martens which is not suited for the hot weather.

Converse provides more comfort than Dr. Martens. But, Converse is not built to last compared to Dr Martens.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Insole

The insole of a shoe is what adds to the comfort of whoever wears it. It may also discomfort the person.

Dr. Martens shoes are made with SoftWair sock liner insole which contributes to the comfort the shoes provide.

This insole seems not to be that comfortable because Dr. Martens shoes are less comfortable compared to Converse, especially at the first wear.

On the other hand, Converse shoes are inserted with the OrthoLite footbed which enables the shoes to be more comfortable.

The insole of Converse is better for the leather that Converse is made of. This is why they are more comfortable.

Dr. Martens could do more with a better-padded insole for more comfort. Also, Converse uppers and tongues are well padded for added comfort.

So, when it comes to the comfort that the insole offers, Converse is better than Dr. Martens.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Outsole

The outsole of a shoe is what contributes to its durability of that shoe. Dr. Martens seems to be doing better here.

Dr. Martens uses synthetic soles for some of its shoes. Some are made with air-cushioned soles and others are made with leather.

Also, Dr. Martens soles are made with Dr. Martens Goodyear welted sole. With this unique sole construction, Dr. Martens shoes last for years. Customers have testified using Dr. Martens shoes for as long as 15 years.

Converse soles, on the other hand, are majorly made with rubber. Most Converse shoes come with rubber soles.

The quality of the rubber is what is not known. But, the results inform us of the quality. Converse shoes do not last long and most times, they give in from the sole.

So, when it comes to the quality of sole used, Dr. Martens is better than Converse. Reviews from most online stores have revealed that.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Fit & Sizing

Sizing is another important thing people look out for when purchasing a shoe. We cannot really say which is better in fitting between Dr. Martens and Converse.

Generally, Dr. Martens shoes are true to size. They may be tight at first and hard to break in, but with time, they stay true to size. People feel more comfortable in Dr. Martens because of the uppers in most of its shoes.

Most of Dr. Martens shoes are made with high uppers and this makes it easy to stay true to size as the shaft is held by laces or buttons. So far, there’s been fewer complaints about the sizing of Dr. Martens shoes.

Converse shoes also stay true to size most of the time. Since they are made with cotton, there is a tendency to get loose with time. Converse shoes are fitting in general.

In comparison, Dr. Martens are better when it comes to sizing and fitting. When purchasing these two shoes for instance, if you are between 7 and 7.5, you should get 7.5 for Converse and 7 for Dr. Martens.

Always check the sizing instruction on any of these shoes to get the specific sizing method.

Dr. Martens vs Converse: Style

Styling is another thing you should look out for when thinking of purchasing a shoe. This is probably the first thing that will attract you to the shoe you want to purchase.

When it comes to styling, Dr. Martens is unique. Most of Dr. Martens shoes are styled towards the oldies and this modern-day touch has made them more attractive.

Dr. Martens styles its shoes to make them look tough and attractive at the same time. If you are looking for something that is styled in the oldies way and still attractive, then you should try Dr Martens.

Converse, on the other hand, is more stylish and best suits the modern taste. It all depends on what you want.

Young people tend to be more attracted to Converse than Dr. Martens. The reason is in the style. Converse styling best suits the 21st-century guy. Converse shoes are styled in a way that they are used for more casual occasions.

While Dr. Martens shoes are styled to suit work purposes and a more serious business.

Pros of wearing Dr. Martens

Dr. Martens has a lot of advantages than disadvantages. Dr. Martens shoes can withstand harsh weather. You can literally use Dr Martens in a swampy area for a long time and it doesn’t wear out easily.

Dr. Martens works better during the winter

You can as well just purchase Dr. Martens for winter only.

Lasts longer

Also, Dr. Martens last longer. I can’t begin to say how durable Dr. Martens is. I’m sure you must have noticed my consistent mention of that in this article.

Water resistant

This is one of the reasons Dr. Martens stands out among other shoes. Another advantage of Dr. Martens is that it is water-resistant.

Cons of wearing Dr. Martens

Not good for summer

Dr. Martens have some disadvantages. One is that it is not good for summer. Dr. Martens wasn’t built to accommodate the summer season.

It will be too hot on you and you would want to pull off the shoes even when the day is not over yet. It works better for winter.

Hard to break in

Another remarkable disadvantage of Dr. Martens is that it is hard to break in. Some people might not be patient enough to wait for it to eventually get better over time. Because of this, they are often hard on the knuckles.


Also, Dr. Martens shoes are heavy and inflexible. If you are just going on a casual walk, Dr. Martens won’t be your best choice, it may stall you.

Pros of Wearing Converse shoes

Stylish sneakers

One advantage of Converse shoes is that they are stylish and very attractive. They appeal to young people of this century.

That is, they are in sync with time. And then, they are best for summer. Most Converse boots are great for sports, unlike Dr. Martens.

Great fit

Converse shoes are also true to size. Another important advantage of Converse shoes is that they are comfortable, more comfortable than Dr. Martens.

Cons of wearing Converse

Not durable

Converse shoes are disadvantageous in some ways. A very remarkable disadvantage is that Converse shoes are not durable. Some customers even attest to them not lasting for more than 6 months.

I guess you wouldn’t want to be changing shoes every 6 months. This is the major downside of Converse.

Also, Converse shoes are not water-resistant

This might be the reason they give in easily if you keep using them in the winter. If you so love to water Converse, just know that it won’t last long when used constantly in the water area.

Gets dirty very fast

Another thing here is that Converse shoes get dirty easily and you may have to wash them often. Washing them often might be another reason they tear out.

Click here to Buy your Converse online

Overall Verdict

The difference between Dr. Martens and Converse is clear. Dr. Martens is durable while Converse is not. Dr. Martens is made of stiff leather while Converse is made of soft cotton.

Dr Martens is water-resistant while Converse is not. Converse is more stylish while Dr. Martens is rather unique in style. Converse is sporty while Dr. Martens is not.

The price for both shoes is within the same range. Dr. Martens stay true to size better than Converse.

With all of these qualities, Dr. Martens is better than Converse especially when it comes to having a unique shoe that lasts.


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