Are Knockoff Crocs as Good?

Knockoff crocs have similar features to the real crocs. They were made almost to perfection, to look like the original crocs. They share physical features but they are not as good as the original brand. Although they may be cheaper and easily available, they are more inferior to real brands. They are not made from … Read more

Feiyue vs Converse: Which is Better?

The major difference is that Converse shoes ensure that your feet are comfortable and offer arch support to people with flat feet while Feiyue shoes offer the transfer of lateral force, flexibility, and durability. While Converse offers comfortability, Feiyue offers more flexibility. This is very evident in the make of the shoes and when you … Read more

Clogs vs Crocs: What Are The DIfferences (in 2023)

The major difference between Clogs and Crocs is that Crocs is a popular American shoe brand while Clogs are a type of foam shoe produced by Crocs brand. Clogs are very comfy and soft, they are available in various colors and designs making them very attractive. It is partly made from wood. Clogs can be … Read more

12 Best Break Dance Shoes (in 2023)

Created in the 1970s, Break Dancing which is also called breaking is an acrobatic dance style that involves athletic moves, complex footwork, a great deal of technique, tumbling, twisting, spinning headstands, and pantomime. After checking all these footwear, I can say that they are truly great for your break dancing. Here’s a quick review of … Read more

Meermin vs Allen Edmonds: Which is a Better Brand?

Meermin and Allen Edmonds shoes have been around for a very long time. They have many fans and are known for their quality. The major difference between Meermin and Allen Edmonds is that Meermin produces more modern European styles while Allen Edmonds goes for the traditional USA look. Also, while Meermin has the quality and … Read more