Why Does Tracer Wear Crocs?

My friend came over some time ago and as usual, we played our favorite Overwatch game. We have been playing for some time, and out of the blues, he said to me, Have you noticed, why does Tracer wear Crocs in overwatch? This is something I had never for once been so conscious about, maybe … Read more

Can You Put Insoles in Crocs?

Oh! Yes, you can. As a matter of fact, having insoles in your Crocs makes you more comfortable whilst taking a walk as they literally support your feet. I’ll subsequently use the word ‘orthotics’ sporadically to replace ‘insoles’. For a better understanding, simply note that insoles are orthotics as well. Maybe not all insoles are … Read more

Can I Wear Crocs To Work At Lowe’s?

Like most workplaces or professional environments, a dress code exists, a series or set of rules put in place to curtail indecent outfits, are you thinking about applying for a job at Lowes and you’re thinking to yourself, “can I wear my favorite crocs to work at Lowes?” Think no further because I got you! … Read more

Do Crocs Get Worn Out?

Of course, everything gets worn out, but do Crocs? The answer is yes. You can not wear your Crocs forever. However, your Crocs can last for 4-5 years before it starts wearing out. How quickly your Crocs wear out also depends on how you clean and maintain it, how you walk with it, and how … Read more

Can You Wear Crocs To Work At Amazon?

Amazon companies do not require that workers wear a particular kind of footwear. So the answer is obvious, yes, you can put on your favorite Crocs shoes to work at the world’s largest business franchise. Amaz(on)ing isn’t it? You can wear your Crocs shoes to work at Amazon baring three things at the back of … Read more